The massage that changed my life

Massage in Chianti invites you to the first course for beginners and wellbeing professionals

I discovered the Hawaiian Massage when I was 19.

I had just finished high School and I did not really know what would happened in my life.

Yes, I did go to University, but a part of me felt I wanted to do something else too, I was not really satisfied by having only my mind engaged in something, leaving the body aside … I wanted and looked for something, but couldn’t work out what and where to start.

I remember that while I was studying for my High School final exam, a friend of my mother,  hippie style with braids, long skirts and lots of bangles, gave me a massage: “So you can relax, after all this studying”, she said to me. I was, to be honest, quite sceptical of her offer, but I was intrigued by the name, Hawaiian massage, it sounded exotic and relaxing already, so I let her convince me.

To be honest, I did not remember the moment of the massage, I cannot remember the room, lying down on the table, but I clearly remember the amazing feeling that I had for many days after. I remember the excitement that this massage stirred up in me and how much I went looking for that feeling afterwards.

A few months later, my mother told me she was going to take a course to learn the Hawaiian Massage, the one her friend gave me, in a meditation centre, close to where I lived.

It was a residential course and, in spite of the fact that I had asked friends and acquaintances to come with me, nobody seemed interested, but I really wanted to go, I felt something was calling me.

So I gathered up all my courage and set off for my first adult adventure.

During that week I met a world completely unknown to me, as I was living “trapped” inside the school walls up until that moment. A world that opened my horizons, I met people with incredible life-stories, I tasted vegetarian food and discovered meditation; but most of all, I learnt that which had brought me there: the Hawaiian Massage.

A mix of rebalancing and harmonizing, the ocean waves on your body: calm and tranquil, but also rough and whirling.

A true treat for the body and the mind to receive and give whenever one feels the need.

And in my entire life, this treat had always been there for me.

Sometimes it was a secret I kept safely inside me, other times a treat for my friends to try until a few years back it became my actual job.

And today I am even happier because I have the chance to teach, another new step for me, to grow, teaching this amazing technique to all those who want to learn.

On the 22nd and 23rd February, in the beautiful rooms of Relax Firenze, Via degli Strozzi, I will wait for you to come and immerse yourself in this amazing adventure that I went on 20 years ago.

The course is open to everybody, both professionals and beginners for their very first time.

For more info or to save your spot please contact us: 

 phone 3495097556 Flaminia